It’s not uncommon to experience foot pain after a long day of work or a vigorous sport activity, especially as we age. A long day of shopping or yard work can leave feet tired, heavy, swollen and achy- a problem we can all relate to at one time or another.

Achy Feet Factors:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Dehydration

CausesWhen you are constantly on your feet, a significant amount of stress is put on your legs and feet. Strenuous walking or standing for long periods has an obvious effect on your feet. Other factors include ill fitting, poorly padded shoes, tight socks or stockings and tight garters. Reduced blood circulation to the ankles and feet also causes tired aching feet.

5 Simple Ways to Relieve Tired, Aching Feet

There are ways to relieve pain associated sore feet and legs.

1. Elevate your feet for 15-20 minutes.2. Soak your feet in warm water or warm a towel with hot water and wrap it around your feet and legs.3. Massage your feet or have someone massage your feet for you.4. Exercise your feet, as it can help to keep them healthy – it tones muscles, helps to strengthen the arches and stimulates blood circulation.5. Wear Orthotic insoles in your shoes. Ask a podiatrist at Dr. Ernest Isaacson if an orthotic device is a good fit for your lifestyle

When foot pain persists, it’s important to visit our New York podiatric office for a thorough examination. The cause of your foot pain may be more serious than simple stress and over work. Dr. Ernest Isaacson can identify serious problems and work with you to determine a treatment plan that will put an end to your tired, achy feet once and for all.

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