No, not a city that actually gets up and walks, that would be Inception like surreal. I mean a city in which the people walk. That’s our fair town, NYC, and I would like to consider myself your erstwhile tour guide, as it were. Not that there’s much choice here, it’s a place of forced defensive walking and it’s the best way, other than a Citibike, to get around town. Thanks to my good patient Richard for inspiring this one; let’s talk a bit.

There’s a lot to see in the city, and most of it is probably missed by those of us fortunate to walk the mean streets of NYC on a daily basis. I mean, when’s the last time you rode the elevator to the top of the Empire State Building, or stared up at someone else’s posterior for the duration of the staircase up the Statue of Liberty? And short of a staycation or school trip we are not likely to check those off the bucket list anytime soon, but opportunities abound for the scenic route through this cobblestone jungle. It’s an architect’s paradise, with every style and shape represented, all available with a short glance upward. Those are the visual benefits; the physical benefits are almost immeasurable. Consider a lifetime of eschewing cabs or the subway for the pavement, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or even walking, rather than riding the escalator. Don’t need a fancy wearable tech device to measure the myriad benefits to health, peace of mind and longevity. The streets are crowded my dear NYC podiatry patients, and yes that does mean defensive walking, but it also means- wait for it- people watching! What a time to live in. I don’t think since the advent of bell bottoms and plaid suits have we had such a wide variety of hair, clothing and gender styles. America- what a country! Get out there a bit, see your city, burn some calories and take advantage of what is otherwise a rather horrible commute.

So whether you like it or not, we all live here, or maybe you don’t live here, maybe you’re even reading this on a space station streaking through space and traversed the globe 9.6 times in the time it took me to write this thrilling and earth shattering blog. In any case, get out there, man! Let someone else have that cab, stand clear of those closing subway doors, and pound the pavement. See the city, and have a nice day, week, and maybe even life.

See you in the office.

Ernest Isaacson

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Ernest L Isaacson DPM PC
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