Shocking, yet not surprising, the year is coming to a close and it’s already time to shop bargains on turkey and squash. If you’re reading this it’s highly probable that you’ve made it this far through the year, and at least at the moment my fingers are depressing the keys on my iPad Bluetooth keyboard case (highly recommended!), I have as well. And that, my dear NYC podiatry patients, makes me thankful. But since this holy blog is recommended to be somewhere around 300-400 words, and they can’t be all the same one, or one word in really big font size, I feel compelled to share my gratitude for a few other items in my life.
Let’s start with the basics. Family- check. Health- check. Food on the table- check. Now down to some small details. I love to run, even though I have to cram it all in on Sunday, and I’m thankful that I have a great running route through the boardwalks of Atlantic Beach and Long Beach, NY. And while we are at it, I’m thankful that my iPhone carries a virtually unlimited supply of podcasts and music for my listening pleasure – far cry from the days of my old Sony Walkman with a couple of cassettes. And don’t underestimate the importance of a good headset and of course the right running shoe with a custom orthotic. I’m thankful we live in America, warts and all. It was, is, and hopefully will be great (run Mike run!). Thanks to whoever invented books, and especially starting my day with a folio of Talmud. And I’m of course grateful to and thankful for my dear amazing patients who – at the risk of sounding like a cheese ball- entrust me with two of their most important appendages, along with the body to which they are attached. And for sharing intimate details of their fascinating and diverse lives. It’s a privilege to meet new, interesting people every day, and as the Fathers say – a wise person learns from everyone. It’s become a family tradition for my kids to ask me, at the end of the week, if I had any interesting patients during the week, and I don’t disappoint.
Well those are the items that come to mind readily. Not necessarily in that order, and surely have left out a few things, like cheese and Phish concerts. What are you thankful for?
See you in the office.