Labor Day is winding down, which means the summer has had its last gasps. That’s bad news for all you kids out there, and great news for your parents! Since Labor Day is a celebration of workers everywhere, we ironically take the day off from work. In any case, to paraphrase the poet of duel current, for those who are about to work- we salute you! And since our bodies are still at work, let’s talk about the healing power of the human body.

This is a topic that may have been previously covered in the annals of this wholly holy sacred blog, but it bears repeating if for nothing else than the inspiration that it provokes, for those who are into that sort of thing. As I am wont to exhort my dear NYC podiatry patients, most things heal, and that is largely true, especially in the musculoskeletal realm, with the noted exception of certain end stage pathology or devastating injuries, among other conditions. However, the common foot or ankle tendinitis, inflammation, simple metatarsal or toe fracture, and even post-operative foot or ankle surgery injury will heal uneventfully in spite of the lack- or presence- of treatment. And it’s the wait time for healing that drives patients to delay seeking treatment, and the assurance to patients that an injury that is slow to heal, is just slow to heal, and the body will do that which it knows to do given the time and the proper building blocks, including nutrition and immobilization where appropriate. So we track the injury, follow the wound, and image the fracture in order to ensure that the healing is progressing along an acceptable curve. And at times that healing curve is far slower than patient- or doctor- would like, however, as long as the recovery is progressing in a discernibly positive vector, then we let the body do what it knows to do, and indeed, most things heal, which is indeed inspirational on some level.

So kids, and adults, enjoy the waning days and endless sunsets. Have some more fun for the next few weeks, get out there and be active. Remember that most things will heal, and for those that don’t your local NYC podiatrist stands at the ready.

See you in the office.

Ernest Isaacson

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Ernest L Isaacson DPM PC
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